I love looking at close up pics of Barbies from the eighties. Works of art, I tell you. I had Barbies in 1981-84 and those are my favorites, natch. Now they make Barbies lips too big and she doesn't look right.

Barbie and the Rockers Barbie is trying to cash in on Jem's "hipness".
I appreciate the 80s outfit and horrid make up!

Island Fun Barbie doesn't wear a lot of make up because she is out in the water, pretending to look natural, which we all do sometimes. I'll be damned if she doesn't look great anyway.

Dream Date Barbie is going to be totally overdressed on her date. She went easy on her make up as well. I agree with her choice, but she could have worn a bit of lipstick. Her face is washed out and overpowered by the severity of her dress and hair! I cant hold a grudge though, the sequins are too fantastic.

Day to Night Barbie was the one who was with the times of the 80's: the working woman. Please note her hot pink briefcase! She wasn't all business though because she couldn't give up her pink wardrobe. Mattel knew better than to put her in navy, gray, black or beige- fuck that! Barbie worked for a bit and then went right back to her life of luxury, thankfully.

Here is her office! The important office supplies are up front and center: a brush, comb and mirror. A girl after my own heart!

Western Barbie, looking a lot more glamorous than the average down home cow poke. She tried to wear fringe and turquoise though, to her credit.
Another thing I absolutely adored was my Barbie Perfume Maker. It had fragrance sticks that I put into a little jar of water and then cranked a pink spinner thing and voila: I had little jars of perfume. So awesome.

Barbie Perfume Maker

I had this Barbie Stage as well. I would clip Barbie's feet to a clear plastic thing and she would come out and work the run way and do a twirl! It was fierce.

Barbie and the Rockers Barbie is trying to cash in on Jem's "hipness".
I appreciate the 80s outfit and horrid make up!

Island Fun Barbie doesn't wear a lot of make up because she is out in the water, pretending to look natural, which we all do sometimes. I'll be damned if she doesn't look great anyway.

Dream Date Barbie is going to be totally overdressed on her date. She went easy on her make up as well. I agree with her choice, but she could have worn a bit of lipstick. Her face is washed out and overpowered by the severity of her dress and hair! I cant hold a grudge though, the sequins are too fantastic.

Day to Night Barbie was the one who was with the times of the 80's: the working woman. Please note her hot pink briefcase! She wasn't all business though because she couldn't give up her pink wardrobe. Mattel knew better than to put her in navy, gray, black or beige- fuck that! Barbie worked for a bit and then went right back to her life of luxury, thankfully.

Here is her office! The important office supplies are up front and center: a brush, comb and mirror. A girl after my own heart!

Western Barbie, looking a lot more glamorous than the average down home cow poke. She tried to wear fringe and turquoise though, to her credit.
Below is the best Barbie of all: Golden Dream Barbie from 1980 or 1981.

Here is the wonderful hot pink box with the purple and white writing! Yeah!

Golden Dream Barbie in her original outfit.
Here is the commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf_6P7GafpY

Golden Dream Coloring Book

Pink and Pretty Barbie was the one I liked second best. She had an entire wardrobe of furs and skirts and pants and removable jewels.

Pink n Pretty in her traditional outfit, which I adored as a kid.

Here is another Barbie I owned, but did not love as much: Angel Face Barbie. She came with a make up case and after you put on her red blush and green eye shadow, she was as far from angelic looking as could be.

Seventies P*rn Barbie: Lovin' this hair and the meth eyebrows!

Orange County Barbie: Too much spray tan.

Mall Rat Barbie? At least she has a nice fresh face.

Here is the wonderful hot pink box with the purple and white writing! Yeah!

Golden Dream Barbie in her original outfit.
Here is the commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf_6P7GafpY

Golden Dream Coloring Book

Pink and Pretty Barbie was the one I liked second best. She had an entire wardrobe of furs and skirts and pants and removable jewels.

Pink n Pretty in her traditional outfit, which I adored as a kid.

Here is another Barbie I owned, but did not love as much: Angel Face Barbie. She came with a make up case and after you put on her red blush and green eye shadow, she was as far from angelic looking as could be.

Seventies P*rn Barbie: Lovin' this hair and the meth eyebrows!

Orange County Barbie: Too much spray tan.

Mall Rat Barbie? At least she has a nice fresh face.

The Barbie Dream House!
Another thing I absolutely adored was my Barbie Perfume Maker. It had fragrance sticks that I put into a little jar of water and then cranked a pink spinner thing and voila: I had little jars of perfume. So awesome.

Barbie Perfume Maker

I had this Barbie Stage as well. I would clip Barbie's feet to a clear plastic thing and she would come out and work the run way and do a twirl! It was fierce.